PII TASK adalah PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) yang memberikan dukungan fiskal kontinjen untuk proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia. PII TASK membantu meminimalkan risiko fiskal atas kewajiban kontinjensi pemerintah Indonesia yang timbul dari proyek infrastruktur.
Here are some tasks you can take to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII):
Develop a PII policy
Create a policy that outlines how to protect PII and instill trust in customers, partners, and employees.
Implement data security
Use a layered approach to data security, including various measures and mechanisms.
Monitor and respond
Continuously monitor for security threats and establish an incident response plan. The plan should include steps to take in the event of a breach, such as notifying affected individuals and authorities.
Conduct a PII data audit
Review and update policies and procedures related to PII data. This can help businesses assess risks and prioritize which sources of PII data need attention.
Identify vulnerabilities
Conduct a privacy impact assessment to identify risks and mitigation tactics.
Obtain consent
Obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting or processing their personal data.
Minimize data
Limit data collection to what is necessary and keep data accurate and up to date.
Other tasks you can take include: Identifying and classifying PII data and Strengthening data security measures and access controls.
In the United States, PII protection is governed by numerous federal and state laws. According to IBM Security, the average cost of a data breach is almost $4 million.